Local rule in Arab football

 - There is no football league in the world whose matches are not led by local referees except the Saudi League .. This is a fact and reality, but they are justified.

- The “weakness” of the Saudi referees ’performance in“ local ”competitions angered“ many ”clubs. The“ foreign ”referees' crews were included in the“ local ”league from one and two crews to 4 teams, until we reached that“ all ”the referees of the league are from Aliens ..

- The “weakness” of the Saudi referee’s performance was not a result of poor qualification or a lack of familiarity with the law of the game, as much as it was “trembling” from the referee “himself” and the evidence is that the Saudi referee leads “with great success” “foreign” matches, then he is not successful in managing matches "Local" so much that you do not believe that this "local" government is the same one who created "externally"

- The “Saudi” referee received a lot of qualification through “domestic and foreign” programs and courses, and unlimited moral support from “official” sports bodies, but “the Saudi referee” kept “shivering” and did not manage matches with high efficiency in which he ran foreign matches, and this He confirms that the “official authorities” did not fail in regard to the “Saudi” referee and that the “same” referee shaken the confidence of the sports community in his abilities until he “missed” the local matches ..

- Great efforts by the FIFA councils and heads of the referees committee for the “return” of the referee to lead the “local” matches, but “all” those attempts did not succeed “for the strength of the so-called“ big clubs ”, and behind it its powerful and influential media ..

Today, the Saudi referee “gets” a great opportunity to return to the leadership of the professional league “even if for a limited number of matches”, and “the Saudi referee” must invest this opportunity and “stick” to it, and this only happens through his appearance with great efficiency during his leadership For matches, especially as "VAR" technology will make the referee more comfortable and technology will help him "facilitate" the leadership of the matches ..

The most important thing is that the referee “trusts” his capabilities and takes the initiative to apply the law “to everyone,” without fear of a club or media affiliated with that club .. The referee should not be arrogant by saying that he “does not fear” the “big clubs” nor inform them..the reality and experiences. She affirms that the referee “fears them”, and in order for him to come back strongly and “continue” leading the matches, he must not fear anyone ..

A: I know that the Disciplinary Committee has regulations that “protect” the Saudi referee from any “attack” from club officials, and perhaps even the media, but the referee “first” must “protect” himself by his efficiency in leading matches without “trembling” or fear.


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