Our sports channel is between the hammer of ambition and the anvil of potential !!

 As a continuation of last week's column in which I touched upon the subject of the only official Bahrain Sports Channel, and as we know that the channel's staff is doing their best to prove oneself and present the best according to the available capabilities and budgets in order to satisfy the sports audience, which was divided into three opinions, between (satisfied and not Satisfied and conservative) at the level of what the channel offers and its performance.

Indeed, when times of matches, activities and sporting events are conflicting, and most of them are at the same time, the management of the sports channel finds that it has been put in a dilemma in which it is not guilty, especially when coordination between local sports federations is absent in setting up some sensitive and mass matches in different games at the same time !!

Even the sports fans find themselves at a loss in attending any match for the same club in the soccer league, basketball, volleyball, handball, or other games, and the same age group matches for the same club and in the same game are sometimes held at the same time !!

In our previous column, we presented some of the main points that are required to be met, which will inevitably enable those in charge of the sports channel and help them in the pursuit of the required development and modernity process, which has become an urgent necessity in the world of space and media.

Last week, I talked about providing huge budgets and modern and advanced technical capabilities, as well as selecting the channel's staff members from the young, ambitious and creative elements in the media field and mixing them with sports figures who have experience in the field of sports media and what most of them, and the Kingdom of Bahrain is full of creative and distinguished human technical cadres.

Here we will touch upon the other side of development and modernization, which is the quality in producing distinctive programs that attract viewers, and distinction does not come in the number of programs presented on the sports screen !! Rather, it is in the quality of sports programs, not the quantity !!

And when we promote qualitative sports programs, this will help attract large sponsoring companies, which, through their sponsorship and financial support for the (distinguished) programs, will inevitably contribute to the required development of the channel's owners and officials in the Ministry of Information Affairs in particular, and those who follow the channel and Sports Street in general.

And do not forget a very important topic for the sake of seeking to develop programs, which is the process of selecting program guests and technical analysts who are distinguished by efficiency and excellence, whose technical analysis is based on scientific and practical methods in order to rise in the objective presentation and reach credibility in front of the viewer who has become very intelligent and difficult to attract easily. The beloved charisma of the presenters and guests of the programs and analysts must also be present in order to help the continuation of the follow-up of the recipient or viewer, in addition to the constant rotation and diversification between the presenters, guests and analysts, as well as distinguished commentators on the matches.

And when we seek development in our sports programs, the ceiling of freedoms of expression must be raised, and the space for responsible freedom of opinion, especially in sports talk shows, and the selection of elements that have the ability to present constructive criticism away from defamation, defamation and personalization.

As well as providing scientific solutions by raising important issues in the sports arena and discussing the difficulties and obstacles that hinder the development of the youth and sports movement in the country, frankly and credibly, through meaningful discussions that attract the public and are far from clowning, laughter and wasting the viewers' precious time.

As the viewer has become smarter and more difficult to satisfy in light of his follow-up to open and close media, in light of the presence of multiple satellites that bring all international channels into his home with ease.

Summary of the counterattack:

Perhaps the conversation here will go on and on and be forked and frustrated, but in light of the available space for this column and not to prolong it.

And finally ..

I hope that I have presented some satisfactory solutions that are acceptable to the decision-makers in the Ministry of Information Affairs and in the management of Bahrain TV and the sports channel, whose capabilities we do not doubt, and they do not skimp on making the utmost efforts to raise the level of the channel and develop it for the better, but most of the capabilities and budgets stand limited. A stumbling block in the way of providing the best and most remarkable.

And I ask those in charge of the sports channel to accept our clear and frank criticism, through which we aim the general interest of the channel and the sports movement in our dear kingdom.

We all sail in one boat, and we face with each other all that hinders the process of development and success in sports media in all its means (visual, audio, and read).


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